Friday, June 18, 2010

Gaming Today

Gaming Today

RAGE Eyes-On at E3: Mutants, Custom Gadgets and Decapitations

Posted: 18 Jun 2010 12:42 AM PDT

rage post image RAGE Eyes On at E3: Mutants, Custom Gadgets and Decapitations

it’s kind of hard to believe, but it’s been over 10 years since id Softare’s last original IP.

RAGE, their forthcoming post-apocalyptic first-person shooter, is understandably drawing a lot of attention. It’s a new story, running on their new id Tech 5 engine. At the same time, the wind swept, Mad Max-esque setting wades into pretty familiar territory for gamers who enjoyed Fallout 3 or Borderlands. Some had concerns that RAGE may crowd the sub-genre and cramp its style.

We got a chance to see a private demonstration of RAGE at E3 this week, and I’m here to tell you to that’s silly talk. RAGE looks pretty incredible, and so far id is proving there’s plenty of room in the post-apocalyptic space for exciting innovation. Hit the jump for details.

Matt Hooper, Design Director on RAGE, gave us a bit of backstory on the game. RAGE takes place way in the future. An asteroid is on its way to earth, and the government stuffs everyone into pods underground, dubbed the “Eden Project.” When everyone comes back to the surface, the world has gone to hell, and there’s mutants everywhere.

Right away, from the first second the world loaded, it looked amazing. It was running on an Xbox 360 at 60 FPS. The first environment we saw was very large, a desert looking area with craggy mountains. Hooper explained that this was a few hours into game. At this point, you’re supposed to make your way to the main town for a mission.

The sightseeing didn’t last long though, since a horde of mutants attacked. Aside from using standard guns, Hooper also threw a weapon called the “Wingstick,” a saw blade/boomerang type of projectile. It cleanly and wonderfully decapitated a mutant. This got the first genuine whoop from the room, and with good reason. It’s the kind of thing that doesn’t look like it’ll get old. The AI here also looked smart, and mean. They’ll throw knives, fire projectiles and kind of bob and weave to get to you.

Next, Hooper jumped into a dune buggy, which he explained is actually a hard-fought reward in the game–not just something you’re handed right away. I can see why, since it has mounted machine guns on it. We got a taste of some buggy combat in a wide open area. You can whip around in it and blow the crap out of enemy buggies. Then Hooper got out of the buggy, got out a rocket launcher, and used to obliterate this guy in a tower. So, yeah. That was cool.

Next, Hooper showed the town of Wellspring. It’s a western-looking dusty place, but with a kind of Asian feel to it as well. You’ll start as an outsider in Wellspring, and gradually work your way up towards hero status as you complete more missions. You can talk to NPCs to join competitive races, buy upgrades for your buggy, sell loot at the shop, head into the bar to talk to locals and find new missions, etc.

Hooper then headed down into the well, an underground factory-like environment. An NPC named Carlson gave him electrobolts for his crossbow, and sent him deep into the well to flush out bandits. These bandits looked a lot different. They were paler, more tribal looking, and moved with the fluidity of Ryu Hayabusa. Here we got a taste of some nice AI physics. These bandits could wall-run, and acrobatically flip while chasing after you. You can get all BioShock on their asses too and shoot electrobolts into pools of water for multi kills.

You can also construct your own weapons and gadgets in RAGE from “schematics” that you find around the world. Hooper bragged that you “don’t need a ‘build desk’ or anything like that.” When you find a schematic for a gadget, you can build it right then and there. Hooper crept up to a room full of bandits, and got out a little gadget called the “RC Car Bomb”–a remote control bomb on wheels. He wheeled it into the room into the middle of the crowd, detonated it and painted the room with blood. Handy gadgets, those RC Car Bombs.

All of this had me pretty convinced that id Software is definitely on the right track with RAGE, to say the least. The graphics look fantastic, environments are huge and very believable, combat has some nice twists via gadgets and slick enemy AI, and the whole package just feels right. You’ll do very well to keep an eye on RAGE as it continues development this year.

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Details from Activision’s E3 2010 Call of Duty: Black Ops Demo

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 11:55 PM PDT

 Details from Activisions E3 2010 Call of Duty: Black Ops Demo

No question, Activision is laying out the cash marketing Call of Duty: Black Ops. We’ve seen commercials during the NBA Finals (which the Lakers just won, making the traffic situation in downtown LA even worse), billboards everywhere, and even Activisionpalooza with Eminem performing live in front of a massive screen showing off the well-known soldier image from the game (pictured above).

In light of all this, I have to admit to being curious to see a little more gameplay from the upcoming Treyarch title. Today at E3, I got my chance to do just that. We were shown a portion of two levels in a closed-door event, but we weren’t able to ask any questions concerning them at that time.

First off, I’ll say that Black Ops is a good looking game. The environments look really good, with the jungle on the Payback mission being the most impressive so far. Much like Call of Duty: World at War, Treyarch has spent a lot of time on making the environments really feel like you would expect them to. The jungle on the Payback mission sways and is filled with undergrowth, while the snow covered areas of the WMD mission simply feel right.

The two levels we were shown were WMD and Payback. WMD tasks the player with infiltrating a USSR weapons plant in the Ural Mountains during the Cold War years. Payback is the familiar level shown in the trailers featuring the Hind-D helicopter, and set in Vietnam. The helicopter in Payback is something entirely new for Call of Duty, in that it is a vehicle that is not on rails. The player has complete control of the control stick and the weapons.

Since we were not able to ask any questions of the developers, we got very little new information out of the demo. However, we were able to see that Black Ops is at its heart still a Call of Duty game. There isn’t anything that looks entirely groundbreaking outside of the helicopter, but it does look like Black Ops will be a fun game to play through. Stay tuned for more info as it becomes available.

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Toy Story 3 Trophies

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 07:20 PM PDT

ToyStory3 Toy Story 3 Trophies

Your toy collection maybe be packed up and sitting in your parent’s attack, but your trophy collection is burnished and ever-expanding, housed on the PlayStation network. Add to your bling by consulting this list of accolades Bronze, Silver, and Gold, after the jump.

Bronze Trophies

Train Catcher – Finished "Loco Motives"

Off the Hook – Finished "Hold the Phone"

Defeat Zurg – Finished "To Infinity and Beyond"

Carnival Conqueror – Finished "Fair Play"

Rocket Launcher – Finished "Witch Way Out"

Making a Break For It – Finished "Hide-N-Sneak"

Mashign the Masher – Finished "Trash Thrash"

Muffin Massacre – Finished "Muffin to Fear"

Mapnipulator – Explored all the objects on the map

Welcome to Town – Finish the Woody's Roundup tutorials

First Sale – Buy a toy from the Toy Store

Pict-O-Amateur – Complete 1 disc of Pict-O-Matic missions

Pict-O-Collector – Find all 6 discs of Pict-O-Matic missions

Pict-O-Master – Complete all Pict-O-Matic missions

Spooky Town – Purchase Sid's Haunted House

Cuddly Town – Purchase Lotso's Enchanted Glen

To Infinity… – Purchase Zurg's Spaceport

Airborne Ranger – Hit 15 paratrooper targets

First Bronze – Earn a bronze medal in a vehicle challenge

First Silver – Earn a silver medal2 bing Toy Story 3 Trophies in a vehicle challenge

First Gold – Earn a gold medal in a vehicle challenge

Silver Trophies

Sneaky Sneaky – Finished the Prison break2 bing Toy Story 3 Trophies without ever tripping an alarm

Space Ranger Elite – Reach Zurg's base without losing all your health

True Carny – Achieve gold on all carnival games

No Toy Left Behind – Rescue all the orphans on the Train

We Can Rebuild Him – Collect all of Zurg's Parts

Memories – Collect all of Andy's Memorabilia

Townspeople Hunter – Find all the hidden townspeople

No Claw Required – Find all the hidden aliens

Really Holding All the Cards – Find all the Special Cards

Toy Collector – Purchase every item in the Toy Store

Holding All the Cards – Find all the Regular Cards

Gold Trophies

Photojournalist – Complete all the Toy Camera missions

The Collector – Gather every collectible in the game

Gold Super Star – Collect all the Gold Stars

Platinum Trophies

Platinum Trophy – Earn all the trophies in Toy Story 3

Secret Trophies

Secret Achievement – Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

Secret Achievement – Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

Secret Achievement – Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

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The Force Unleashed II E3 Trailer Rocks Me

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 06:01 PM PDT

tfuii The Force Unleashed II E3 Trailer Rocks Me

I was gonna let this one speak for itself over on the front page, but, man, I’ve just gotta say something, considering I think of the first game as the best hack-n-slash title of this generation and the best Star Wars title since Jedi Outcast. At first it seems as if this is just another cinematic trailer that demonstrates a bunch of powers that can kinda sorta do in the game, but it’s more than that. There’s a very intriguing story point here. Hit the jump for the trailer and my thoughts.

Download the trailer here.

Look, I’m a reformed Star Wars nerd. I’ve loved the original trilogy since I was a wee lad; later, my dad would bring me Star Wars books from the library,  and one Christmas I got the LucasArts Archives Star Wars collection. Star Wars became an enormous part of my life growing up. One of the first ten or fifteen Star Wars books I read (I ended up consuming about 150 of them) was The Last Command by Timothy Zahn, in which Luke Skywalker is forced to fight an insane clone of himself.

It’s only natural, then, that I would be astounded to discover not only that the Starkiller in TFUII is a clone  of the original, now-dead Starkiller, but that there are other Starkiller clones in Vader’s basement. This is clearly meant to hint that Starkiller will have to fight himself at some point during the game. And assuming the other clones have Starkiller’s memories as well, this could have some very compelling storytelling implications.

Let’s just say my interest in this title ratcheted up a few notches after watching this.

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What, Kinect pricing?

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 03:39 PM PDT

kinectprice 650x194 What, Kinect pricing?Earlier this week, Gamestop posted a $149.99 price for the Kinect with the note that “this is an estimate only” because Microsoft hasn’t announced a price. But now other retailers are on the Kinect-pricing bandwagon., and Amazon all have prices listed now. Amazon is key, because with their pre-order price guarantee, $149.99 is the most you would have to pay if you pre-order now, so I highly doubt they would post that if they thought the price would be higher.

This is weird, though, because it doesn’t seem likely that MS would be close to announcing pricing if they didn’t announce it at E3. I expect we won’t have official pricing for some time.

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Mythic Games Laying People Off?

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 03:08 PM PDT

Mythic1 Mythic Games Laying People Off?

News from the belly of the beast — Mythic Entertainment producer Josh Drescher informed the world via Twitter today that he is being laid off. No one knows what exactly this means with regard to the studio (a subsidiary of EA) or their forthcoming title WAR, but the signs are far from fortuitous.

Nobody likes layoffs, and hopefully we won’t witness a profusion of Twitter accounts laden with bad news. Either way, we’ll provide updates as they appear

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Dead Space 2 E3 Trailer Helpfully Removes Your Face

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 02:28 PM PDT

ded spayse 2By all accounts so far, Dead Space 2 is one of the best titles being shown at E3, even going so far as to blow off the faces of our crew wandering the show floor. I’m not making a joke there; most of the FileFront staff is now dead as a result of Dead Space 2 kicking ass. But you may not be convinced if you aren’t at E3 an didn’t watch EA’s presser this week. And so I’m here to provide video evidence of said ass kicking so you too can lose your face to this slice of gaming bliss from Visceral Games. Dead space 2 is out on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on January 25. Hit the jump for the game’s E3 trailer.

Download the trailer here.

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This Game is Called NeverDead, and It Means That Literally

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 01:59 PM PDT

neverdead This Game is Called NeverDead, and It Means That LiterallyEh, you ask? You are an immortal dude who is so immortal that when his head falls off he can but it back on, like that seashell pirate from that movie. You know, that movie. Anyway, there’s a reason he’s like that, but I don’t think I can do it justice. So hit the jump for Konami’s official description, which is as amusingly confusing as most Konami games.

NEVERDEAD begins in the waking hours of peace and calm, when the world is under threat of being consumed by a demonic plague. Centuries have passed since the world succumbed to an unforeseen shadow of evil, and a hero was made an immortal by demons. These demons have risen once again in the present day causing unrelenting mayhem reinforced by destructible environments within the game.  Now using his immortalic regenerative powers re-assembling his own body to evade death, the hero carries out the only salvation the world will know, for he is Never Dead.”

WOOOOOOOO! That sounds like the plot of Darksiders, but the game itself is kinda different than that title. It’s an arcade-y action title that gives you a couple pistols and a “butterfly design-inspired sword” and then has you fight large beasties. Based on the trailer, you can also expect plenty of bad dialogue.

This one comes at you from Rebellion, who you’ll know from the piles of Aliens vs. Predator games they’ve made and a couple of Star Wars Battlefront PSP titles. This one is being developed for the PS3 and 360, and that’s all we’ve got.

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Konami’s New Silent Hill Game Emerges from the Fog of E3

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 01:48 PM PDT

Silent Hill

Konami unveiled footage of the new Silent Hill game (working title: Silent Hill 8 ) at E3 yesterday, screening an atmospheric trailer that showed off the franchise’s disquieting hallmarks.

Creepy locals, flickering flashlight beams and terror-inducing poltergeist action were very much in evidence. The game appears to to center around an escaped convict with the extremely un-criminal name Murphy Pendleton, who makes the ill-founded decision to lam it in the town of Silent Hill after getting free of the slammer.

Gameplay details have not been forthcoming, but the combat emphasis will reputedly be on everyday objects, as opposed to military hardware. The score is being handled by veteran horror movie maestro Daniel Licht, who takes over for series regular Akira Yamaoka. We’ll have more details when they’re available — the game will be out in 2011.

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MGS: Rising Ain’t Just a Sequel

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 01:18 PM PDT

rising MGS: Rising Aint Just a SequelIt’s also a prequel. It seems Raiden probably did not survive getting smashed by a giant boat after having his arms cut off, and Rising will bridge the gap in Raiden’s story between MGS2 and MGS4, we were told at Konami’s presser yesterday. The game will, of course, show why Raiden is a damn cyborg. What else did we find out?

It’s all about cutting, as we learned at the Microsoft presser. In one of the grand traditions of gaming, it looks like a nice tech feature (the ability to cut up whatever you want) will become a story motivator. “Looks” is the keyword, as I obviously haven’t played the entire game. “Cut at will” is the thought behind the mechanic, an based on what we’ve seen so far, that thought seems to have been realized.

It was also noted that players can, because the sword  control is so precise, choose not to kill those they’re fighting. I don’t know why you would make that effort, as the 5-10% of baddies who don’t bleed out would still hate you. Remember Captain Hook? He wasn’t exactly OK with that croc just because it only took his hand instead of eating him.

By now, long-time MGS fans have now begun to worry about the core gameplay of the series (stealth) being lost in favor of bloody hack n slash. Not so, “apparently.” There will be stealth, we’re told. OK. I’ll leave you with that.

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Not Content with Sexing You Up, the 3DS Might Also Install Your Games

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 10:52 AM PDT

3dsss 650x348 Not Content with Sexing You Up, the 3DS Might Also Install Your Games

Here’s a fun story. Japanese trade pub Nikkei ran a report today that says the 3DS will allow you to store your cartridge-based games on the handheld’s memory, with the idea being that you can throw away your cartridges after installing the games. You’ll be able to install a bunch of games at once and then just choose which one you want to play from the menu.

I’m calling bullshit on this unless there is a lot more to it. After all the hullaballoo over the R4 over the years, do you really think Nintendo will make it so you an everyone you’ve ever met can play one copy of the new 3D Metal Gear? I suggest not getting too excited yet. We’ll wait for more details.

[via Andriasang because I ain’t paying 10,000 yen to read Nikkei}

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Grab the Medal of Honor Beta Client on FileFront

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 10:31 AM PDT

MOH screen Grab the Medal of Honor Beta Client on FileFront

One of the big announcements from E3 is that Medal of Honor will be going into beta testing this Monday, the 21st, on PS3 and PC. The XBox 360 beta will be delayed slightly, but if you have a PS3 or PC, you can actually jump in a little earlier if you’re an EA Gun Club member. How much earlier? How about right now?

FileFront has partnered with EA to give you access to the Medal of Honor PC Beta through our fast, free download servers. You can grab the beta now, and if you are a Gun Club member, you can start playing today.

Please note that this file requires you to have a beta key to play. How does one acquire this key? Well, you can be a Battlefield: Bad Company 2 VIP, and use the aforementioned Gun Club to gain access. You can also pre-order the game to grab a beta key.

Whatever your plan is, you should execute it quickly, as the number of keys is limited. While you’re planning your assault on a beta key, go ahead and kick off your client download over at FileFront.

Download the Medal of Honor Beta at FileFront

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20 Minutes Of Deus Ex: Human Revolution Totally Blew My Mind

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 10:22 AM PDT

deusex 650x270 20 Minutes Of Deus Ex: Human Revolution Totally Blew My Mind

Yesterday I had the chance to watch 10 minutes of footage from Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Had I not already seen 20 minutes or so of Dead Space 2, this would have been, hands down, the winner of yesterday’s E3-Makes-Ross-Squeal contest. It’s been 7 years since the last installment of Square Enix’s cyberpunk FPS series, and a hell of a lot has changed in gaming since then. Going into the screening, my first thoughts were less “will this be good” and more “after this long, is there even a point?” How do you successfully update a game series created during the first wave of the FPS craze? Particularly since the genre has largely abandoned narrative storytelling in favor of endless combat simulations? (BioShock aside, it’s obvious after playing games like Borderlands and The Darkness why most narrative games are third person.)

As it turns out, the answer to those questions, if the demo can be trusted, is “by being fucking awesome”. After the jump, I’ll try to describe what made my hypothalamus cry out in triumph.

Human Revolution is set in 2017, making it a prequel to the first game. Square Enix has already said it will serve as a means of explaining in part how the world of the first game came to be. SPOILER: They have a… generous view of the next 17 years of technological progress. Apparently, by the time your infant is a senior in high school, we’ll have harrier style gunships, full-on cyborgs, and megacities engineering and tech right out of Mass Effect. I’d be lying if I said I don’t want to live in that world.

They showed 2 segments of the game designed to showcase it’s robust combat AND extensive social/interactivity aspects. The demo began with the player character on his way to one of Shanghai’s island municipalities. Shanghai as imagined in 2027 is shockingly huge. Enormous skyscrapers dwarfed even bigger freeway overpass systems dominated the skyline as we were dropped off in the middle of a seedy red light district to hunt for the game’s macguffin. The demo walked us through a dingy street where we were shown how its possible to interact with nearly every single NPC. Pulling a gun on a bystander will reduce them to tears. OTOH, you can strike up a conversation with nearly anyone, with a large number of optional topics. We saw the main character speak to the bouncer of a club he needed to get into. After a short argument, the demo operator chose to bribe the bouncer, but the MC assured us that entrance to the club was possible by numerous means. Bribery, charm, stealth, even assault are open as ways of getting past obstacles.

Once inside, the scene was gritty, dark and very realish, in a Gibson-Meets-Star Wars kind of way. Eventually you make your way to a bartender who is entirely uncooperative. The dialogue for that scene was pure noir and pure WIN. Sample lines include potboiler magic like “don’t try to bullshit a bullshitter” and “forget it gweilo, this isn’t your town.” Awesome. The demo operator failed to get access to the club’s mobster owner, so he snuck around the back and underside of the club, showing off the game’s stealth system. The game switches to third person when you’re in cover, or sneaking around a corner. And no disappearing corpses – when the main character took out a guard to cover his tracks, he had to hide the body in a nearby corner. Neat!

After a cut scene that revealed a SPOILER that I won’t reveal, the demo switched to a scene showcasing the action/combat features of Human Revolution. We were informed that you’ll have the ability to purchase augmentations, upgrades to your cybernetic body parts that will open up different play options as you advance through the game. In this demo, they’d opted for a strength upgrade that allowed the main character to break though a fence and sneak into a shipyard, rather than simply going full on the attack. Following this, he snuck into the yard’s security office where he took out the guard and deactivated the camera system. No Goldeneye shoot the camera play, in other words.

Next, we saw how you can hack into almost any computer or data device in the game. This also, we were told, will help provide a large number of options in gameplay. After sneaking around, a firefight began between the main character and the yard’s guards. I won’t bore you with the details except to say that at one point, the main character rushed to a wall and performed what I can only refer to as the HEY KOOL-ADE attack: using augmented strength, he blasted through a wall, at which point the game switched briefly to third person so we could see him emerging through the hole and grabbing the guard on the other side of the wall, delivering a neck-snap kill. To repeat: They changed to third person just because it looked cool, and then went back to first person. So awesome. But even more awesome is the assurance from the MC that it’s possible to play the entire game without killing a single person. Little details like that make for what will almost certainly be one of the best games of 2011.

After a cut scene involving a cyborg who looks like J. Jonah Jameson, we were shown the trailer, and then the door. But mission accomplished. I want this game so badly I can almost taste it. Click the link up top and view the trailer for yourself: I guarantee you’ll feel the same way.

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Drake No Longer Coolest Guy in Gears of War 3 – Epic Adds Ice-T

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 10:00 AM PDT

ice t1 262x400 Drake No Longer Coolest Guy in Gears of War 3   Epic Adds Ice TIt’s not uncommon for game developers to draft big named voice actors for stunt casting in games, but it’s rare when one of those actors has the gravitas to make the game better (Excepting Sir Patrick Stewart). Alongside the new female Gears in the upcoming Gears of War 3, players will have time to hang out with a rap icon.

Ice-T is adding his voice to the game as Griffin, the leader of a group of survivors called the Stranded.

“I've been a huge fan of Ice my whole life, and it turns out he's a big fan of Gears," said Epic Games Design Director Cliff Bleszinski. "His legendary tough-as-nails, street-smart persona fits perfectly with Griffin.”

The actor/musician claims to be a big fan of gaming and this is not his first foray into the media. He’s also had parts in games like Scarface, Def Jam and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. We’ll likely find out more about Griffin as Gears of War 3 nears its April 2011 release date. Previously, Epic revealed that Hip-hop artist Drake is also voicing a  role for the game.

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Scott Pilgrim: Yes, it will rule

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 08:55 AM PDT

I should preface by saying that, yes, Scott Pilgrim rules. If you haven’t read it then you shouldn’t even be here, unless you’ve just woke from a coma. For those of you just waking up from a coma, it’s a series penned by Canadian comic artist Brian Lee O’Malley that asks the question: “what if video game rules applied to real life?” It’s basically a combination romantic comedy, Canadian Manga, and primer on classic gaming culture, and you should already be reading it. It makes perfect sense that as it’s been adapted as a movie, the movie will have a video game tie-in. I managed to get some video and as you can see, it’s pretty cool. No surprise, since it’s been made by Ubisoft.

Below the fold, more video, plus exciting commentary!

Normally, video game movie tie-ins suck large. Aside from Goldeneye of course. Fortunately, this is a video game adaptation of a movie based on a comic that is partly about Video Games. The circle is complete. A 2.5D side scrolling beat-em-up that looks authentically 8 bit, it is fun and easy to play. You can select to play as Scott Pilgrim, Ramona, and even Steve Stills, and better still, it incorporates elements of classic fighting games like Marvel Versus Capcom, in that you can call on NPC allies to enter the game and help you. Scott calls upon Knives Chau, who attacks Scott’s enemies with the words LOVE. The emphasis is also on fun – you level up with new abilities really quickly.

I spoke to one of the game’s developers as I played, and he said something that really stuck with me: ” When I design games, it’s really easy to get caught up on errors, mistakes, bugs, and all that, so it’s really great to see people actually playing it, and enjoying the game. That kind of pure fun is why I got into games in the first place.” He made this remark because I basically made no secret of the fact that I LOVED this game. It’s gratifying to know that the people making the games sometimes get that sometimes, there’s nothing wrong with something being super fun.

In short, it is great. The game is out in July. Enjoy the cheap vids. Apologies in advance for the noise. I recommend turning the volume down before pressing play.

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MadCatz Announces Kinect Accessories at E3

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 08:11 AM PDT

home image 650x299 MadCatz Announces Kinect Accessories at E3
MadCatz is having a good show it seems, aside from being the primary provider of Rock Band 3 instruments for Harmonix they are getting into the Kinect craze. Unfortunately, the Kinect accessories won’t defeat Sony’s jibes about not holding something when playing your Kinect.

The Kinect line of accessories include a wall mounting plate for the Kinect camera, a floor stand and a charging base.  Sure these aren’t you usual sexy add-on, but at less than $50 I can definitely see making the investment to keep my Kinect protected from accidental movement while I’m using it.  These accessories are expected to be available when the Kinect launches this November. Full details on the whole Kinect accessory line are after the jump.

  • Mad Catz Base Adapter for Xbox 360 Kinect (MSRP: $14.99)

Ideal for those who have no obvious free standing space available to mount the Kinect camera unit, the Base Adapter fits securely on to the underside of the camera unit, allowing connection to any standard camera tripod. Simple, yet ingenious, the Base Adapter provides a cost effective and elegant solution to those with custom TV installations.

  • Mad Catz Floor Stand for Xbox 360 Kinect  (MSRP: $29.99)

For those who don't wish to permanently mount their Kinect camera unit, or for those who have no obvious space available, the Floor Stand includes a stable, weighted base, a 2.5ft central mounting pole and an in-built Base Adapter, providing an all-in-one solution for mounting and enjoying the Kinect system.

  • Mad Catz Flat Panel Mounting Bracket for Xbox 360 Kinect (MSRP: $49.99)

An ideal and elegant solution to those with flat panel televisions, the Flat Panel Mounting Bracket allows users to safely mount their camera unit above or below their television sets, sitting into a custom bracket which connects to most standard screw holes located on the rear of standard flat panel televisions.  Compatible with the majority of existing television wall-mount brackets, the Flat Panel Mounting Bracket features an innovative 'pass-thru' design, allows users to connect to pre-existing TV wall-mounts or simply by itself should users display their in a free standing position. Featuring a solid, durable metal construction, and complete with all standard fittings, the adjustable design ensures compatibility with a wide variety of TV makes, models and sizes (please check compatibility before purchase).

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