Friday, June 18, 2010 News News

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An Opportunity to Learn About LiDAR

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 10:44 PM PDT

LiDAR, Light Detection And Ranging technology, is finding more and more uses in geology. A symposium on October 31 at the 2010 GSA annual meeting will “explore the application of airborne and terrestrial LiDAR to paleoseismology, neotectonics, salt marsh ecology, lava flow morphology, post-fire slope processes, engineering geology, rockfalls and debris flows, geologic mapping, [...]

Challenges Faced by Afghanistan Mineral Development

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 06:34 PM PDT

The recent announcement of $1 trillion in mineral resources waiting to be developed in Afghanistan is discussed by Jack Medlin (Senior Geologist, USGS) and Joe Klein, (Columnist, Time Magazine). Before the resource can be developed a lot of work must be done to develop transportation infrastructure to get the minerals out and an energy [...]

Gulf Relief Wells Progressing Faster than Expected

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 06:20 PM PDT

The two relief wells being drilled towards the Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf of Mexico might reach the well by mid-July instead of in August as originally announced.

Earth Science Week Contests

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 06:01 PM PDT

The theme for Earth Science Week 2010 (October 10-16) will be “Exploring Energy”. Students in grades K-5 can enter a visual arts contest, students in grades 6-9 can enter an essay contest, and a photography contest is open to anyone!

Americans Still Support Offshore Drilling

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 05:34 PM PDT

An article on the website reports the results of a national survey on offshore drilling. Most people surveyed still support offshore drilling after seeing the current spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Snake Bite Victim Found With Night Vision Goggles

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 05:25 PM PDT

A man bitten by a snake after dark in a remote area was found by a MedEvac flight crew using night vision goggles.

Galaxy With A Tail – IC 3418

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 05:22 PM PDT

“NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer has discovered a galaxy tail studded with bright knots of new stars. The tail, which was created as the galaxy plunged into the neighboring Virgo cluster of galaxies, offers new insight into how stars form.” Quoted from the NASA press release.

Rig Count in the Gulf of Mexico is Falling

Posted: 17 Jun 2010 03:59 PM PDT

“Possibly reflecting the influence of a recent Federal 6-month moratorium on deepwater drilling, the natural gas rig count in the Gulf of Mexico fell by 2 this week. Currently, only 12 natural gas rigs are active in the Gulf of Mexico, compared with 42 rigs 1 year ago, and 22 at the beginning of 2010. [...] News, Here you can watch News online. Recently it is the latest update serial play for the News is fully Eng Subbed, and avail in eng sub. Now it is availab le to watch online. you can watch News by the given links below, click on News Parts below to watch online. News Vidoe is source of Mega Video, Youtube etc, so you can watch News without any issue. News Part 1 News Part 1 News Part 1

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