Sunday, June 20, 2010

Berman Post

Berman Post

No, What Now ... 'Asians'?

Posted: 20 Jun 2010 01:34 PM PDT

This just goes to show people mishearing things leading to confusion and controversy is nothing new. At least this one ended comically, as apposed to the linked one above which ended ridiculously.

Video embedded below.

Kagan Swore in Emails

Posted: 20 Jun 2010 01:25 PM PDT

This is such a ridiculous non story that it is more post worthy that the NY Times chose to report on the action than the action itself. Supreme Court Nominee Kagan used curse words in a few of her emails. Oh gosh golly, how terribly offended we should all be by her use of bad words in three of her private emails. If she was dropping 'F-bombs' in dissenting opinions, that would be more note worthy. Not sure if it would be a negative though because it would spice them up enough that the non-legal minds among us might take an interest. In private emails though, it is such a non issue it really should not have even merited mentioning that it was a non issue.

"Her writing could be earthy, with at least three messages using variations on the two most common swear words.

In one, she responded to a message with a single word, weaving one of them into "unbelievable." In another, she said her staff should not take on empty tasks. "You should go," she said, "but don't volunteer us for the" scutwork — though she substituted an epithet for the first part of that last word.

Women to be 'Used' in Next 'Aid Flotilla'

Posted: 20 Jun 2010 01:11 PM PDT

Quick and dirty translation; they plan to use human shields to run a blockade, again.

"Women are "the new secret weapon" in use against the "thieving enemy," said Samar Alhaj, the woman leading the Lebanese boat that is scheduled to try to break the naval blockade on Gaza in an interview with a regional Israeli Arabic- language radio station in Nazareth. The Israeli government has linked the boat to Hizbullah "

Asked on Radio A-Shams by Zohair Bahloul why the ship, Mariam, would only be carrying women, she said, "We are women in order not to give the thieving enemy an excuse to use arms against the ship."

Past related posts:
Berman Post: Bloody Clash Off Coast of Gaza When Activists Tried to Break The Blockade
Berman Post: Turkey May Send Navy Ships to Accompany Next 'Gaza Aid' Ship
Berman Post: Gaza Supply Ship 'Peace Activists' Actually Al-Qaeda And Muslim Brotherhood Members
Berman Post: More Video of 'Peace Activists' Violently Trying to Break The Israeli Blockade
Berman Post: Netanyahu - "The Jewish State Has a Right to Defend Itself" (Plus More Video)
Berman Post: Flotilla Choir Presents - "We Con The World"
Berman Post: Israel Tries to Deliver 'Flotilla' Aid to Gaza, Hamas Refuses
Berman Post: Second 'Relief Flotilla' Blocked And Boarded Without Major Incident
Berman Post: Media Outlets Editing Photos to Remove Gaza Flotilla 'Peace Activists' Weapons
Berman Post: Obama - 'Israel Should Only Blockade Arms Shipments Boats to Gaza'
Berman Post: 'Reverse Aid Flotillas' Planned From Israel to the Kurds in Turkey
Berman Post: Obama to Support The UN Investigation of Israel?

'Courageous Restraint' Medal Putting Allied Forces in Danger

Posted: 20 Jun 2010 01:08 PM PDT

The 'Courageous Restraint' Medal appears to be putting the lives of allied forces in danger. This was the fear of people who apposed it. The problem cited below was not from the person in danger themselves, but how support responds to requests for help.

No one is advocating for indescribably killing innocent bystanders for no reason, what, what people are saying is that coalition forces should not act in a way that incentives the terrorists taking human shields.

"ABC News reporter Martha Raddatz was allowed to fly in an Air Force F-15E fighter jet on a combat mission in Afghanistan. The plane was loaded with 500-pound bombs and ready to protect coalition forces on the ground. But the guiding principle of the mission, Raddatz writes, was to exercise "courageous restraint," that is, to not fire at the enemy if there were the possibility that civilians might be hurt or if buildings might be damaged — even if that meant that American or coalition forces were in great danger.

"Sometimes not firing can be tough," Raddatz writes. "Pilots say it's hard to watch their fellow soldiers on the ground taking fire."

But that's what they do, under orders from top American commanders. On this mission, when a French officer on the ground requested a bomb be dropped on the enemy, the U.S. pilot said no, opting for strafing instead because it would be safer for those on the ground — except, of course, for the coalition forces.

Video of the Awful Call Against The US Playing Slovenia (World Cup)

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 08:03 PM PDT

The first clip is the play, the second is the breakdown to see what the ref might have been looking at. Conclusion by everyone I have read or heard from thus far ... horrid call.

Video embedded below.

Video embedded below.

Three Reasons The FCC Should Not Touch The Internet

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 07:50 PM PDT

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