Friday, September 3, 2010

Berman Post

Berman Post

Women Now Make More Then Men (Those That Are Unmarried, Childless And Under 30)

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 03:34 PM PDT

Time for the liberals to print up some new buttons decrying the unfairness that is women doing the exact same thing as their male counterparts but earning more money? I am not holding my breath. Of course the caveat does add further credence to the argument that the wage gap is not bias but the result of individual choices among those in the work force. Additionally, I read a study that adjusted the wage gab based on those that had tried to negotiate for a higher wage and those that just accepted the first offer; the gap between genders almost disappeared. The person also found that more women than men accept a first offer helping the explain why such a gap exist.

Do not misunderstand, gender bias (just as any bias) is wrong. Disparate results does not automatically mean that discrimination is afoot. One of my favorite graphs charted ice cream consumption for a town and number of drownings, both over the course of the year. Both went up and down together. That does not mean it is time for towns to start banning ice cream. The reason is that people tend to eat more ice cream in the summer when it is warm. That is also when they go swimming. The important message, correlation does not necessarily equal causation.,8599,2015274,00.html

"according to a new analysis of 2,000 communities by a market research company, in 147 out of 150 of the biggest cities in the U.S., the median full-time salaries of young women are 8% higher than those of the guys in their peer group. In two cities, Atlanta and Memphis, those women are making about 20% more. This squares with earlier research from Queens College, New York, that had suggested that this was happening in major metropolises. But the new study suggests that the gap is bigger than previously thought, with young women in New York City, Los Angeles and San Diego making 17%, 12% and 15% more than their male peers, respectively. And it also holds true even in reasonably small areas like the Raleigh-Durham region and Charlotte in North Carolina (both 14% more), and Jacksonville, Fla. (6%).

Here's the slightly deflating caveat: this reverse gender gap, as it's known, applies only to unmarried, childless women under 30 who live in cities. The rest of working women — even those of the same age, but who are married or don't live in a major metropolitan area — are still on the less scenic side of the wage divide.

Iraqi Prank Show - Planting Fake Bombs in People’s Cars at Checkpoints

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 03:21 PM PDT

The host got stabbed on Cheaters, and they were just confronting people who were unfaithful. What is the apex of this show; target is actually a terrorist and detonates the real bomb thinking they have been discovered? Innocent man freaks out and with the aid of a body guard starts shooting up the place? I bet someone out there will still think it is good TV.

Video embedded below.

"Alternate headline: "Iraqis invent greatest show in history of television."

The show "Put Him in [Camp] Bucca" has drawn numerous protests but has stayed on air throughout the fasting month, broadcasting its "stings" on well-known Iraqi personalities.

All of them were ensnared by being invited to the headquarters of the private television station Al Baghdadia to be interviewed, but en route to the station a fake bomb would be planted in their car while they were being searched by Iraqi soldiers, who were in on the deception.

The unwitting celebrities are then secretly filmed, Candid-Camera-style, as they reacted with shock, disbelief and anger as fake checkpoint guards shout abuse at them: "Why do you want to blow us up?" "You are a terrorist." "How much did they pay you to do it? You will be executed."

Follow the link up top for oodles of angry complaints from the public. I'm going to rate this 99 out of 100 on the inappropriateness scale, just because somehow — and I'm really not sure why — the fact that they're limiting the targets of the pranks to Iraqi celebrities instead of average people slightly mitigates the awfulness of it all.

Reporter to Obama - Do You Regret Calling This Recovery Summer

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 03:08 PM PDT

Matthews (MSNBC) - 'Obama "Did Everything Right" And is "Almost Pluperfect"

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 12:47 PM PDT

Unemployment Rises to 9.6%

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 12:42 PM PDT

Any remaining notion of a 'recovery summer' has now been put to rest.

"Job losses continued to mount in the U.S. economy last month, though at a more modest pace than expected, putting further pressure on policy makers to take action to spur growth and employment.

A separate report indicated the U.S. nonmanufacturing sector expanded at a much slower pace last month.

Nonfarm payrolls fell by 54,000 last month, matching the level of revised losses recorded the previous month, the U.S. Labor Department said Friday. The revision in July layoffs to 54,000 followed an original estimate of a 131,000 drop in payrolls.
The unemployment rate, calculated using a separate household survey, edged up to 9.6%, as expected, after holding at 9.5% for previous two months.

To put this in the contexts of the last year; after rising to %9.5, 'fake' falling to %9.4, rising to %9.7, and then rising again to 9.8%, and rising again to 10.2%, dropping to 10%, held steady, dropping to 9.7%, held steady, held steady again, increased to 9.9%, dropped to 9.7%, fell to 9.5%, holding steady, and the rising a tick to 9.6%.

'Islamization' of Paris (France)

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 12:36 PM PDT

Chuck Norris Wants You to Register to Vote

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 08:50 PM PDT

And you do not want to make Chuck Norris mad...

Video embedded below.

Deval Patrick (D) on Time And Place of Beck's Restoring Honor Rally - "It’s a Free Country. I Wish it Weren’t."

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 08:32 PM PDT

I agree with the radio hosts, it sounds much worse then Patrick meant it to sound. The 'I wish is was not' was in reference to the time and place of the rally, not the free country.

Video embedded below.

Past Restoring Honor Rally posts:
Berman Post: Beck's Restoring Honor Rally (LiveStream)
Berman Post: Aerial Crowd Picture of Beck's Restoring Honor Rally
Berman Post: Overhead Shot of Beck's Restoring Honor Rally
Berman Post: Airplane Photos of Beck's Restoring Honor Rally
Berman Post: CNN Really Screws up Title Box For Beck at His Restoring Honor Rally
Berman Post: Obama's on Beck's Restoring Honor Rally - 'I Did Not Watch it' And 'Beck Just Stirring up People's Anxieties'
Berman Post: Media Coverage of Beck's Restoring Honor Rally vs Martin Luther King, Jr.
Berman Post: Bill Press - 'Talking About God is Not Appropriate At The Lincoln Memorial Because it is Sacred'
Berman Post: Obama's Top Education Official Urged Government Employees to Attend a Sharpton's Counter Rally to Beck's Restoring Honor Rally
Berman Post: Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally (Complete Video)
Berman Post: Beck Responds to Left's Comments on His Restoring Honor Rally

Reid (D) Denies Saying 'This War Is Lost'

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 08:25 PM PDT

Good thing there is no such thing as video recording; oh wait...

Video embedded below.

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