Saturday, September 4, 2010

Berman Post

Berman Post

Die in Space And Your Body Might be Freeze-Dried, Vibrated to Pieces, And Used as Compost For a Memorial Shrub

Posted: 04 Sep 2010 02:39 PM PDT

As humans venture further and further into space the likelihood of a fatality on a mission/journey increases to a certainty. We need to plan and prepare what to do with a corpse in space. Obviously burial is not an option. Science fiction shows have naval like ceremonies with the crew jettisoning the body in a special capsule toward the nearest star. Cremation is another option, though that would be rather energy intensive, not to mention waist-full, and would still live remains needing to be disposed of. How does being freeze-dried, vibrated into tiny pieces, and used as compost for plants sound? Would it sound better if those plants are referred to as a memorial shrub? (via)

"The U.S. has plans for a manned visit to Mars by the mid-2030s. The ESA and Russia have sketched out a similar joint mission, and it is claimed that China's space program has the same objective. Apart from their destination, all these plans share something in common: extraordinary danger for the explorers. What happens if someone dies out there, months away from Earth?

Swedish ecologists Susanne Wiigh-Mäsak and Peter Mäsak are the inventors of an environmentally friendly alternative to cremation and burial, called Promession. The technique entails freezing a body, vibrating it into tiny pieces, and then freeze-drying the pieces, which can then be used as compost to grow a memorial shrub or tree.

Earth’s Magnetic Field May Have Flipped Superfast

Posted: 04 Sep 2010 02:25 PM PDT

New evidence has been discovered that suggest Earth's magnetic field may have flipped extremely quickly. 'Quick' is a very relative term geologically speaking. Scientists are still not sure if, nor why, but we do know that the polls switch fairly regularly. Despite what you have seen is science fiction movies, the swap will not bring the world to an end. I am curious though how certain animals that rely on the Earth's magnetic field to navigate will adapt.

"Magnetic minerals in 15-million-year-old rocks appear to preserve a moment when the magnetic north pole was rapidly on its way to becoming the south pole, and vice versa. Such "geomagnetic field reversals" occur every couple hundred thousand years, normally taking about 4,000 years to make the change. The Nevada rocks suggest that this particular switch happened at a remarkably fast clip.

Anyone carrying a compass would have seen its measurements skew by about a degree a week — a flash in geologic time. A paper describing the discovery is slated to appear in Geophysical Research Letters.

It is only the second report of such a speedy change in geomagnetic direction. The first, described in 1995 based on rocks at Steens Mountain, Oregon, has never gained widespread acceptance in the paleomagnetism community. A second example could bolster the theory that reversals really can happen quickly, over the course of years or centuries instead of millennia.
Bogue and his colleague, Jonathan Glen of the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, California, went to Nevada to study a series of well-preserved lava flows. As each flow cooled, it preserved the orientation of the magnetic field at the time, frozen like a tiny compass needle in the rock's magnetic crystals.

One particular flow caught the scientists' attention because it seemed to carry a complex magnetic history. This lava, Bogue says, initially started to cool and then was heated again within a year as a fresh lava flow buried it. The fresh lava re-magnetized the crystals within the rock below, causing them to reorient themselves a whopping 53 degrees. At the rate the lava would have cooled, says Bogue, that would mean the magnetic field was changing direction at approximately 1 degree per week.

The Steens Mountain rocks have been reported to preserve a change of 6 degrees per day. That rate was so high — imagine trying to navigate when a compass changes by multiple degrees per day — that many scientists challenged the report.

Infrared Nerf Autocannon

Posted: 04 Sep 2010 02:17 PM PDT

Somewhere out there a man is fighting to free his home from tyranny with little more then a sharpened stick who just read this article and is sobbing a bit. Do not feel to bad though because in a few minutes he will look for some contact information and more specific specs.

Video embedded below.

Obama - "We Are Moving in The Right Direction"

Posted: 04 Sep 2010 08:39 AM PDT

If this is the 'right direction' I would hate to see what the wrong direction would be considering this is already the non-recovery summer.

"The White House is under pressure to show tangible results in lifting growth and hiring before the Nov. 2 election, when Obama's Democrats face punishment from voters anxious about near double-digit unemployment.

"I will be addressing a broader package of ideas next week," Obama told reporters in the White House Rose Garden.

"We are confident that we are moving in the right direction. But we want to keep this recovery moving stronger and accelerate the job growth that is needed so desperately all across the country."

Washington Post Picks up on Oval Office Misquote

Posted: 04 Sep 2010 08:36 AM PDT

They are a few days late, but better late then never. Once this garners some attention from the Main Stream Media, Obama will have to fix it. The question is how. Between completely removing it replacing it with a new Martin Luther King Jr. quote and adding the additional attribution the ladder seams simpler, but both probably will not look aesthetically pleasing without significant alteration.

"A mistake has been made in the Oval Office makeover that goes beyond the beige.

President Obama's new presidential rug seemed beyond reproach, with quotations from Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. woven along its curved edge.

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." According media reports, this quote keeping Obama company on his wheat-colored carpet is from King.

Except it's not a King quote. The words belong to a long-gone Bostonian champion of social progress. His roots in the republic ran so deep that his grandfather commanded the Minutemen at the Battle of Lexington.

For the record, Theodore Parker is your man, President Obama.

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