Sunday, September 5, 2010

Berman Post

Berman Post

Rick Stengel (Time Managing Editor) - 'Sad' Israel-West Bank Wall 'Has Actually Worked'

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 03:45 PM PDT

What is a few dead Jews in the context of peace in the Middle East. Heck if all those pesky Jews would just kill themselves or let the terrorist kill them we could have some lasting peace... (*shakes head*). Maybe instead you should focus on the people who want to kill Jews as the real problem and fix that.

Video embedded below.

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Iran Paying The Taliban $1000 For Every American Soldier They Kill?

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 03:27 PM PDT

I know Obama is not big on preconditions to talks, but maybe not paying people to kill our soldiers an acceptable one to him.

"Iran is paying Taliban fighters $1,000 for each U.S. soldier they kill in Afghanistan, according to a report in a British newspaper.

The Sunday Times described how a man it said was a "Taliban treasurer" had gone to collect $18,000 from an Iranian firm in Kabul, a reward it said was for an attack in July which killed several Afghan government troops and destroyed an American armored vehicle.

The treasurer left with the cash hidden in a sack of flour, the newspaper said, and then gave it to Taliban fighters in the province of Wardak. In the past six months, the treasurer claimed to have collected more than $77,000 from the company.

The Sunday Times said its investigation had found that at least five Kabul-based Iranian companies were secretly passing funds to the Taliban.
"We don't care who we get money from," the treasurer was quoted as saying. He described the relationship with Iran as a "marriage of convenience." Iran is a predominantly Shiite country, while the Taliban is dominated by Sunni Muslims.

'For jihad'
"Iran will never stop funding us because Americans are dangerous for them as well. I think the hatred is the same from both us and Iran. The money we get is not dirty. It is for jihad," the treasurer told Amoore.

Al Sharpton - 'State Senate Seat is Black Heir Property'

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 11:51 AM PDT

Declaring a seat to be 'black heir property', that seems racist...

Video embedded below.

""It's bad enough when ya'll get a little apartment… get a house… can't pay the rent…get evicted…but it's worse when your relatives loses HEIR property. "


"This is an HEIR District!"

These are the words of Al Sharpton addressing a rally for (black) Johnny Ford in a primary run off against (white) pharmacist Billy Beasley in July 2010.


'Good Life Card' (Rationing) in Venezuela

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 11:43 AM PDT

If you needed another sign to be convinced that socialism does not work just head over to Venezuela where the policies have been so abysmal they are now forced to implement 'Good Life Cards'. That is what the government is calling them, but the rest of the world will recognize it for what it is, rationing.

Head over to for more.

Mumbai Cops Say Had to Arrest Businessman After Car Accident Because Victim Was Muslim And Accused Hindu

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 11:38 AM PDT

"If people know you will react violently and irrationally to any perceived or actual slight, they will give you what you want -- at least in today's debased climate, in which courage and clear-sightedness are at a premium. "Not only will his bail flare up communal tensions in the area, but also the Muslim community would stop believing in law."

"Mumbai cops' reason for custody: Victim Muslim, accused Hindu,"

Cooper (CNN) Destroys Eddie Bernice Johnson (D) Over Scholarship Scandal

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 08:34 AM PDT

Reid (D) Claims 'War is Lost' Comment Helped Turn Effort Toward Victory in Iraq

Posted: 04 Sep 2010 09:25 PM PDT

Apparently someone showed him the tape of his comment so he could no longer deny having said it. So instead he is now claiming it was all part of the plan to 'trick Bush' into doing what was necessary to win the war. Is anyone buying this? How about just trying; "I was wrong and I sincerely apologize".

"Now, in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Sen. Reid makes an unbelievable new claim:

At the time Sen. Reid made this comment, President Bush had been pursuing a failed, stay-the-course strategy that had cost thousands of American lives and billions of taxpayer dollars. Iraq appeared to be on the verge of a sectarian civil war. He was simply pointing out what our military leaders, including Gen. Petraeus, had been saying for months: that we could not win by staying the course; the war needed to be won diplomatically, politically, and economically. Sen. Reid and his colleagues were successful in forcing President Bush to finally abandon his failed approach and refocus on political reconciliation. This is what ultimately paved the way for the Iraqi government to take greater responsibility for Iraq's future. Sen. Reid's comments were directed at President Bush and his following of misguided policymakers, not at the heroic troops who continue to serve our country with incredible courage.

As Sherman Frederick of the Las Vega Review-Journal puts it:

Asked about his 2007 comment in which he proclaimed "This war is lost" while our soldiers were still in Iraq getting their heads shot at and before the so-called "surge" even had begun, Reid today said that his statement was actually a "successful" ploy to force President Bush to refocus on political reconciliation.

The undeniable fact is Sen. Reid called it wrong on Iraq. He undercut our troops in the process. Bush called it right. The "surge" worked and it (not Sen. Reid's "This war is lost" statement) made today possible. That's the unvarnished truth and no amount of revisionist sophistry will change it.


Spam Infographic About Spam Infographics

Posted: 04 Sep 2010 08:44 PM PDT

Jesse Jackson's Cadillac Escalade Stolen And Stripped While at a 'Green Jobs' Rally

Posted: 04 Sep 2010 08:37 PM PDT

More environmental hypocrisy from the left.

"Unfortunately the gas guzzler he was driving was stolen and stripped. reported:

The Rev. Jesse Jackson came to Detroit last weekend pushing green jobs for the U.S. economy. On Monday, the Cadillac Escalade carrying him around the city was stolen and stripped. Does building replacement $1000 rims count as "green jobs?"

Jackson came to Detroit as part of UAW President Bob King's "Jobs, Justice and Peace" march on Sunday, which drew about 5,000 people to a combination protest and Democratic Party spirit parade. A few days before the rally, Jackson wrote a piece for laying out its goals:

A key component of stable job growth is our nation's energy policy. If our country gets serious about energy savings and independence from oil, we could rebuild domestically and power the U.S. economy with American jobs…Ending the subsidies that make dirty fuels artificially cheap can spark a shift in infrastructure development, create more jobs and allow America to become more self-sufficient.

A day after the rally, the 2009 Cadillac Escalade SUV that Jackson used to get around Detroit went missing from a parking lot near his hotel. According to WXYZ-TV, the SUV was later found abandoned, with the window busted and its wheels gone, similar to the jacking of a SUV used by Detroit Mayor Dave Bing's security.


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